Tuesday, March 25, 2008


After searching for a pet friendly apartment without bugs for three months, I finally found a 2 bedroom basement apartment. It's located on 560 North 900ish East...by the Golds Gym. This apartment has the kitchen in a seperate room from the living room. There is even a pantry with a door so Caesar won't beable to eat our food anymore. The greatest part is we only have to pay a little more than what we are already paying. We are extremely excited to move out of our ant and cockroach infested apartment.
We will be able to move in the beginning of April. I will keep you posted with how the move goes.


elizabeth, eliza, liza, liz, elles, etc. said...

you need to post again!! with pictures from graduation perhaps??
Or with morphed children pictures because I know you both loved that when greg and I did it.

Laura said...

You've been tagged. Go to our blog for instructions.